Olivia has an Expressive Speech Disorder.
That does NOT excuse her behaviour in relation to hitting (please ground swallow me up & let me hide from the shame of it), horrible noises instead of speech & tantrums at 6 am because she is not getting what she wants (I realise that no one is thinking rationally at this unearthly hour).
That does NOT excuse my breakdown at OT today after I had to put Olivia in timeout for trying to take a headband out of my hair & refusing to quit it despite my best "calm yet authoritative voice". It was just the last straw on a difficult week.
There have been many times when I have left a situation, turned around or put my dark sunnies on to shed a tear or 2 for MANY different reasons, but I could do none of those things today. I fear that my 10 year old niece now knows how unstable I am.
I love you Lolly girl, tomorrow is another chance for us to get it right.
But while you sleep tonight I will attempt to make a pact with you - if you dont wake me before 7am I promise to have more patience tomorrow & maybe, just maybe, instead of time outs & escalating arguements you can ride your bike to the park & tell me a story along the way. (BTW - I will take sleepy silence as agreeance)
9 years ago
This post brought tears to my eyes. I love the part, "tomorrow is another chance for us to get it right".
Oh I feel your pain. Ian has taken to biting and hitting in the face. Joy. We do the best we can.
You are still doing an awesome job. xoxxox
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