Wednesday, February 24, 2010

we've been busy

The kids have been busy amusing themselves with the smallest things...

drool & all

where's the disco?

its a good friends, little boys birthday party on the weekend & this is what I have been working on for him (I hope you arent reading this before sunday Em):

Olivia saw me making this over the last couple of days & would always ask "mine?" everytime I explained that is was for Lucas I felt bad that I wasnt doing anything for her so I promised that I would make her one next week. I hope she doesnt understand 'next week' cause I cant see myself keeping that promise at this stage but I will definitely be making 1 for Lolly & Xander, I just know they would love it!!!


Kristie said...

This busy book is just awesome. Nice work I'm sure Lucas will LOVE it.

I'll put the photo to your food post on now.

Anonymous said...

#5 Mum

Talk about hidden talents!!!! I can't wait to see what the future might bring. Nana and Granny would be proud of you if they saw what you have achieved. love mum

Dee said...

can i put an order in for christmas. if it helps to motivate you i'll pay.

Sarie said...

So these are the kind of projects that I wish I could do!! They are beyond my realm of skill. Really.

Anonymous said...

Lucky for you I have been slack and not reading any blogs at all for ages. just catching up now. Lucas loves it. Will be good when he's a bit older for the car and stuff. For now it's handy on the change table at Nappy time for that distraction factor. Thankyou we love it and appreciate the time and love put into making it for our little man. xoxoxo